Making Life Easier, Technology
Making Your Business Systems More Efficient With Automation Time is money—save both! For busy trades business owners, efficiency is paramount. Time saved is time for billable work and big-picture growth projects—or an opportunity to take that...
Getting Started, Making Life Easier
Rave Build FMS Review Created by Kiwis for Kiwi businesses Have you heard about Rave Build? It’s software for Kiwi builders: homegrown, targeted, and effective. It was founded in 2008 as a simple but powerful scheduling tool, and has grown to...
Making Life Easier, NextMinute, Product Updates
Make your life easier with NextMinute NextMinute’s website drives home the message that it’s all about making life easier—and we have clients who’ll attest to that! If you’re in NextMinute’s target market, this is a powerful piece of...